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Nephrology is a field of medicine that deals with kidney problems. It is focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of kidney functions, as well as renal (kidney) replacement treatments such as dialysis and kidney transplantation.

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are positioned on either side in the retroperitoneal area of a human body. The kidneys are in charge of eliminating waste and extra fluid from the body. They are essential for regulating electrolyte concentrations, which might fluctuate owing to a variety of illnesses or medications, and for maintaining fluid consumption. Many kidney problems are systemic illnesses, meaning they affect more than just the kidney. Specialized care and medical attention are required for these conditions. A doctor who has received training in the diagnosis and treatment for nephrology (kidney diseases) is known as a nephrologist.

Patients with a range of acute and chronic renal illnesses can get quality healthcare at the best Indian hospitals Nephrology Division. With a variety of non-invasive treatments, our nephrology specialists continually devote their attention, effort, and expertise to assisting patients in maintaining the health of their kidneys

What are the Major Causes and Symptoms of Nephrology Disease?


The symptoms and indications of chronic renal disease gradually appear if kidney damage develops slowly. An accumulation of fluid, bodily waste, or electrolyte issues can be brought on by kidney failure. Depending on the extent to which it is, loss of kidney function can lead to:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Itchy, dry skin

  • Muscle cramps

  • Reduced appetite

  • Fatigue and weakness

  • Reduced mental clarity

  • Sleep problems

  • Urinating more or less

  • Swelling in the ankles and feet

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)

  • Breathlessness, if fluid accumulates in the lungs,

  • Chest pain if fluid gathers around the lining of the heart.


Kidney disease symptoms and signs are frequently vague. They can also be brought on by other diseases. As your kidneys can adapt to decreased function, you might not exhibit symptoms until after there has been irreversible damage



When a disease or condition affects kidney function, chronic kidney disease arises. Over the course of months or years, the kidney damage gets worse. Chronic kidney disease is brought on by a variety of conditions, including:

  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes

  • High blood pressure

  • Glomerulonephritis: an inflammation of the kidney's filtering units.

  • Interstitial nephritis: swelling of the tissues around and within the kidney tubules.

  • Hereditary kidney illnesses such as polycystic nephrosis.

  • Persistent blockage of the urinary system is caused by diseases, including an enlarged prostate, kidney stones, or certain cancers.

  • Vesicoureteral reflux: a disorder that results in pee backing up into your kidneys.

  • Recurrent kidney infections


Diagnostic Tests for Nephrology Treatment

In their early stages, many kidney disorders go undetected. Your doctor can more accurately determine and confirm the presence of any renal disease you might have by having you checked out through various types of diagnostic tests. The following  tests can be used to assess how effectively your kidneys are functioning to plan the nephrology treatment plan:

  • Blood Test

  • Urine Test

  • Kidney/Renal Ultrasound

  • Computed Tomography (CT) Scan/ CT Angiography

  • Kidney Biopsy for Microscopic Analysis

  • Renal MRI Scan


Procedures Undertaken for Nephrology Treatment

1. Nephrectomy (Kidney Removal)

A kidney can be removed surgically in its entirety or partly by a nephrectomy. It is often carried out either to treat kidney cancer or to remove a benign tumor. Also, it can be used to take a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor for transplantation as well as to treat various renal illnesses and traumas.


2. Kidney Transplant

A kidney transplant is a surgical technique used to replace a non-functional (or partially functioning) kidney with a healthy kidney from a live or deceased donor. Patients with chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease are the ones who undergo it most frequently. Diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, polycystic kidney disease, and chronic glomerulonephritis are the illnesses that cause end-stage renal disease. Those who no longer choose to undergo lifelong Kidney Dialysis may potentially choose to get a kidney transplant as a kind of Nephrology surgery treatment.


3. Minimally Invasive Nephrology Surgery

Our skilled surgeons execute a variety of minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopic nephrectomy and lithotripsy (types of Nephrology surgery), with little to no blood loss and fewer adverse effects. Shorter hospital stays and quicker surgical recovery times are two other possible advantages of these minimally invasive approaches.


4. Dialysis Care

When your kidneys are unable to filter the blood properly, an artificial process called dialysis is used to remove waste products and extra fluid. Patients who have ESRD, acute renal failure, or both regularly undergo this procedure. Until your kidneys heal or you get a kidney transplant, you must take it.


5. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT)

In order to identify and assess blockages, damage, or anomalies inside the blood arteries throughout the body, a medical procedure called angiography combines a CT scan with an intravenous injection of a specific dye. The blood veins in your body are shown in three dimensions using X-rays during a CT scan, a non-invasive diagnostic procedure. It is a slow and effective dialysis process that is done under continuous observation without the need for nephrology surgery.


What happens during a Nephrology Treatment?

Certain kidney diseases are treatable depending on the underlying reason. Yet, chronic kidney disease usually has no treatment but nephrology surgery or kidney transplantation. Therapy often entails steps to lessen complications, treat symptoms, and slow the spread of the disease. You may require treatment for end-stage kidney disease if your kidneys suffer substantial damage. The primary treatments are:

1. Lifestyle Changes – People with kidney disease are typically advised to adopt the following lifestyle choices:

  • Stop Smoking

  • Eat healthy diet

  • Do regular exercise

  • Control or stop alcohol consumption

  • Limit your salt consumption

  • If you're overweight or obese, lose weight

  • Avoid using NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines) without a doctor's prescription unless necessary.


2. Medicine – Although there isn’t a treatment, especially for kidney damage, there are several issues that might contribute to the illness and the consequences that may arise as a result. For the following various conditions, you might need to take medication:

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Elevated Cholesterol

  • High potassium levels

  • Anemia

  • Water Retention

  • ​

3. Dialysis – A small percentage of Nephrology patients will gradually lose their ability to function via their kidneys, requiring nephrology surgery or sometimes kidney transplantation. There should be sufficient time to organize the following phase of your treatment as this often occurs gradually. Dialysis is a possibility at this stage. The waste and extra fluid from the blood are removed using this technique. Dialysis treatment will often need to last a lifetime if you don’t obtain a kidney transplant. If your kidney function becomes significantly diminished, discuss with your doctor the benefits and drawbacks of each form of dialysis and which type you would like.

Instead of just managing renal diseases, our goal at indiabesthospitals is to improve quality of life and offer world-class treatment for Nephrology problems. Our healthcare delivery system is geared towards delivering open, affordable services that are in line with the expanding local needs.

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